Saturday, 25 August 2012

Diabetes soars in obese Britain

Weight gain 'a big factor'

Obesity epidemic ... huge rise in number of diabetics
BRITAIN’S obesity epidemic has caused an explosion in the number of severe diabetics, new NHS figures reveal.
Some 615,586 needed hospital treatment for the life-threatening condition last year — up from 189,283 in 1997.
Medics have linked the rise to the nation’s expanding waistlines. The most common Type 2 form of diabetes can be caused by weight gain.
Hospitalised sufferers have developed complications — putting them at risk of organ failure, blindness and death.
Diabetes UK said that 2.9million Brits have been diagnosed with the condition. A further 850,000 are unaware they have it.
Sufferers are not all obese but the high-calorie, high-sugar Western diet has been blamed for the increase in cases.
Half of all British adults are now overweight or obese — and The Sun revealed yesterday that 1.5million are classed as “super obese”.
The new stats were released in a parliamentary answer to Tory MP Chris Skidmore. He said: “They are shocking and reveal the true scale of the problem to the NHS.
“There are a number of causes, but doctors have stated obesity is a huge contributory factor.”
Diabetes is caused by the body’s inability to produce correct levels of a hormone called insulin.
This causes an imbalance of glucose sugars in the blood, and leads to nerve damage and sometimes limb amputations.
Type 1 diabetes usually emerges in childhood. It is treated with insulin injections, a pump or other medication.
Type 2 is caused by a less severe insulin deficiency. It can be caused by a person’s genetic background, metabolism or blood sugar level problems or excess weight.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/health/health/4503708/Britains-obesity-epidemic-causes-an-explosion-in-number-of-severe-diabetics.html#ixzz24VZkUzic

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